Version 7 of the Untold Destiny Revelations pack has been released!
Here are the changes:
Alternating Flux (long-range energy transport based on Immersive Engineering)
Forge Multipart CBE (required libraries)
Immersive Cables (provides Applied Energistics and Redstone cables to Immersive Engineering)
Immersive Railroading (adds life-size trains to Minecraft)
Track API (required for Immersive Railroading)
Wireless Redstone CBE (allows for redstone signals to be sent through wireless signals)
Actually Additions to r135
Biomes O Plenty to
Dynamic Trees to 0.7.7e
Dynamic Trees BOP to 1.1d
Ender Core to 0.5.30
EnderIO to 5.0.25
ExtraCells to 2.5.13
Flux Networks to 3.0.10
Forestry to
Hammer Core to
Industrial Foregoing to 1.9.2-170
Rustic to 1.0.5
Scannable to
The Lost Cities to 2.0.8
Tinker’s Construct to
TorchMaster to
Twilight Forest to 3.7.424
Woot to 1.3.0
The Waystones mod has been re-configured to never use experience for travel. Players can now place “Global” waystones which will automatically appear for all other players (to do this, place a waystone and check the “Global” box). There is now a free way to travel to any discovered waystone from your inventory menu. At the bottom right of the portrait is a waystone travel box. Click it to be able to travel.